Bringing turmeric into cancer treatment

Curry powder contains a chemical that can kill bowel cancer cells. Now, British scientists are experimenting with putting turmeric in use in combination with chemotherapy.

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Curcumin in turmeric provides many health benefits. Previous studies have shown that this substance can fight cancer cells in the laboratory. It also works to help people with stroke and dementia.

When bowel cancer cells spread throughout the body, patients were often treated with a combination of three chemotherapy drugs, but about half of them were ineffective.

Picture 1 of Bringing turmeric into cancer treatment
Curry powder is good for health.

An experiment will be performed at hospitals in Ho Chi Minh City. Leicester (England) will consider the effects of curcumin used in combination with chemotherapy.

40 patients at Leicester Royal Hospital and Leicester General Hospital will participate in the trial to compare the effects of curcumin in 7 days before chemotherapy.

GS. Lead researcher William Stewart said the experiment on animals combined two measures that worked 100 times better than each.

When cancer cells spread throughout the body, treatment is difficult, partly because the side effects of chemotherapy limit the time patients can be treated.

Curcumin is likely to increase the sensitivity of cancer cells to the effects of chemotherapy, which means that patients who are only close to receiving lower doses of chemotherapy and have fewer side effects, while still able to treat for a longer time.

According to scientists, this research is at an early stage, but finding the possibility of chemicals in plants that can fight cancer cells is a very good idea, promising to create drugs. New treatment in the future.