
Similarly not a disease entity. Its cause is nostalgia and tiredness to turn, end, restless, with an uneasy anxious mood, a long-lasting passion. According to medicine, lovesick as a form of stress.

Picture 1 of Love-sick

Concerns and despair have become a constant obsession, which will gradually weaken the patient (Photo: quitcentral).

Modern medicine divides stress into three phases. At each stage of different developments, early treatment will avoid the consequences or traumatic trauma. With the same disease:

Alarm period: An anxiety, a feeling of anxiety, anxiety, a fast heartbeat, increased breathing, high blood pressure . causing psychological changes and lifestyle.

Supporting phase: Concerns and despair have become a constant obsession, gradually weakening the patient's mental and physical wellbeing, people often refer to this stage as a similarity.

Stress phase: Pathology is synonymous with similar disease. Mental disorders, physical disorders and behavior that appear or are temporary or temporary, or mild or persistent, depleted and can result in death by other opportunistic diseases.

Modern medicine suggests that stress is any factor that threatens health or harms bodily functions such as injury, disease or anxiety . Constant stress, the body will have biological reactions to ensure their life by secreting substances called stress hormones; Especially there is an increase in prolactin. Stress hormones gradually will disrupt significantly countless physiological functions, leading to severe psychological decline, disturbing the immune system, sympathetic and sympathetic nervous system. The same is similar.

Similar illnesses are typically described in the story of Phan Tran, a story that takes place in China, the Song Dynasty. The story is as follows: Phan Cong and Tran Cong are classmates, they work together one way. The two wives are pregnant, Phan gives birth to a son, Phan Sinh, and Tran gives birth to a daughter, Kieu Lien. They promised to marry each other. When the two children grew up, they both asked to retire, each one leaning.

Phan Sinh grew up, went to the exam to pass the exam, but failed again, so he did not go home and decided to pass the exam later. Meanwhile, Kieu Lien orphaned her father, her hometown and the enemy had to run rampant. She went to cultivate at a temple in Kim Lang, taking the name of Dieu Thuong. When at the temple, she missed her mother and thought of her fiancée, often sad and sad, thanks to the monk's advice, so she calmed down.

Phan Sinh went to study in the city, remembering that there was a nun at Kim Lang, who came to visit. He found Dieu Thuong 'a young man' , so he fell in love with her and was Huong Cong as a partner. Dieu Thuong refused, he was disappointed to become the same ill. Phan Sinh was seriously ill, when Dieu Thuong asked the monk to visit, then ten parts suddenly went out. That evening, he hugged the sick and knocked on the door of Kieu Lien's room asking for thanks; she was afraid of him overdose, had to open the door. Through the exchange, they recognized each other but because of the ceremony at the temple, so they kept it secret. After Phan Sinh spied on flowers, the two became husband and wife.