Massive 'suicide' purple crabs on the island of Hawaii

An attack by huge legions of purple crabs is flooding guests at the beaches and cornering scientists.

>>>Strange creatures appear on the coast of Hawaii

Dreaming of the Hawaiian Islands, an ideal retreat surrounded by the windy Pacific coastline is in danger. Millions of purple crabs are flooding. Biologists admit, they have never seen a similar phenomenon before. They are 'secret' when asked about the cause.

The purple crabs that the sea waves rushed day after day occupied the beaches on Oachi and Honolulu, the Daily Mail said. According to witnesses, they are so much that they obstruct each step of visitors and everyone tries to avoid them. A few days later, they all died again. It turned out that the purple crab soldiers came here to seek suicide.

Picture 1 of Massive 'suicide' purple crabs on the island of Hawaii
The giant purple crab legions are invading the islands of the Hawaiian Islands.

This strange landing made marine biologists, who had never seen it before, had to abandon their search. Experts of the 'Viking' Institution of Oceanography in Honolulu said it was a crab breed, living on the coast of Hawaii.

One of the experts, Norton Chan, explains: 'The purple crabs you see are 7-11' crabs at an early stage of life. They enter the molting period to become mature crabs. '

The director of Andrew Rossiter Institute of Oceanography stated that in the time when the air storm was disturbed in the water, it would make it impossible for the crab to dive into the water, float on the water and be washed up by the waves. edge.

He excluded the possibility that contaminated seawater led to the collective death of millions of immature purple crabs, because 'if seawater is polluted it affects all marine organisms and not only crab. But we don't see that. '

Biologists expect to study surviving individuals for the characteristics of this crab's transformation process. If it is true that '7-11' crabs, then they will be 14-18cm long when they grow up.

Crabs 7-11 have the same name because they have 7 marks on the back and 4 on the abdomen. People also call them reef crabs. They live in coral reefs on the sea floor, hunting crustaceans and invertebrates at night.