Strange creatures appear on the coast of Hawaii

Millions of pea-sized, exotic crab-like animals attacked Hawaii beach, causing many experts to be confused.

>>>Video: Strange creatures appear on the coast of Hawaii

Picture 1 of Strange creatures appear on the coast of Hawaii
Millions of tiny crabs attack Hawaii beach.

The attack of tiny purple creatures, curled up like balls, has left many beaches along Oahu and Honolulu in the past few days.

But it is worth mentioning that scientists have not been able to determine what kind of species these pea-creatures are from, since they have never seen such a thing so far.

Picture 2 of Strange creatures appear on the coast of Hawaii
Small pea-sized creatures, purple

Most of them have died or are about to die after being taken to the beach the past few days.

Experts at Waikiki Aquarium believe that this may be the 7-11 larvae larvae living in the area, but the phenomenon that spills over the beach like this has never happened in history and they are trying to study the survivors to find out their origin.

Picture 3 of Strange creatures appear on the coast of Hawaii
Crabs 7-11 mature

7-11 crab species often live in coral reefs. They can grow to 17cm long. Young 7-11 crabs are usually purple, but when they mature they have dark orange dots on a maroon background.