Measure air pollution by kites

Graduated students from China and the United States participated in a joint project: using kites to measure air pollution in Beijing.

The kites of the 'Beijing Floating' project contain a touch and a multicolored LED to indicate air quality: green is good, yellow is medium, red is toxic , pink is extremely toxic.

Picture 1 of Measure air pollution by kites
Beijing people are learning to make kites and attach devices
Induced in a manufacturing factory. (Photo: Liz Phung)

Chinese people are living with an atmosphere polluted by the speed of modernization so fast. In 2012, after obvious differences in pollution levels in the report of the US Embassy and the Chinese government on pollution in Beijing, the problem of measuring pollution in Beijing was even more become hot.

This project is attended by many Chinese people, especially artisans, who are excited to attend. The project members also instructed people to stick with sensors and lights on kites. These kites are capable of detecting and displaying concentrations of carbon monoxide, other toxic organic compounds and storing these data.

Project members intend to create an online interactive screen on the status of environmental pollution based on the data obtained by kites. The project founders also hope this project receives a lot of support on Weibo, China.