Measure body temperature with electronic tattoos

Scientists have developed a very thin electronic device that can monitor body temperature by attaching it to the skin.

>>>Follow soldiers with tattoos

This device was developed by researchers at the University of Illinois, USA. When attached to the skin, the device acts as an infrared thermal camera and measures human body temperature for a long time.

Picture 1 of Measure body temperature with electronic tattoos
Electronic tattoos on the skin can tell the body's temperature.(Photo: The Verge)

This electronic tattoo is like a small yellow bar code and is attached to the skin with a special glue that is water soluble. In addition to the function of measuring temperature, the device also monitors the expansion and contraction of blood vessels in the body, thereby showing the cardiovascular health status.

John Rogers, the principal researcher of the program, said it took several years to produce the device with much research effort. Now Mr. Rogers and his colleagues are focusing on introducing and putting this device into practice with the support of the US National Institutes of Health.

John Rogers added that measuring body temperature with electronic devices on the skin is just the beginning. In the future, the team will test equipment that can be applied to organs inside the body, even the device can be placed outside the pericardium to monitor cardiac activity.