Everything related to Otzi people from clothes to tattoos on people or the reason for death is still a hypothesis.

This is a special tattoo, a sound wave tattoo that can sound through a new application on a smartphone called Skin Motion.

Tattoos are a form of permanent marking with ink that changes skin pigmentation to beautify, create an impression or other causes.

According to Sputnik, tattoos are helping the human body fight seasonal viruses in which flu.

A person with diabetes (diabetes mellitus) must have a blood test several times a day to determine blood sugar.

Scientists have developed a very thin electronic device that can monitor body temperature by attaching it to the skin.

The painful vaccination is about to become obsolete thanks to the introduction of a new vaccination method: a painless

The Portuguese artist group uses a new tattoo technique that combines traditional tattoos and map projection technology to create tattoos moving in the human body.

One day, you could stick a temporary tattoo on your skin in the form of layers of tiny light-emitting diodes.

Biological sensor tattoos are designed to prevent excessive exhaustion by measuring lactate levels in sweat secreted.