Temporary tattoos that measure blood sugar do not need to take blood

A person with diabetes (diabetes mellitus) must have a blood test several times a day to determine blood sugar levels , people have long wanted to find a way to identify fast, effective and non-invasive blood sugar. Fellows at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) have a product that helps measure blood sugar through a skin patch.

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If you do not know, an average person with diabetes must have a blood test about 6-8 times a day to inject insulin, these blood tests are made at home, you will use a needle set to the fingertip, then squeeze blood on the quick test piece and put it in the machine. I also tried to do this with your grandfather's machine and found that it was not painful, but I had to do it many times every day.

Picture 1 of Temporary tattoos that measure blood sugar do not need to take blood
This is a traditional blood sugar test

Under the new method, people will print electrodes on paper used to make temporary tattoos , which are connected to the sensor, after each meal, the electrodes will generate electricity within about 10 minutes. continuously, the current will draw glucose to the skin surface, helping the sensor measure blood sugar. Further explanation is that because glucose is positively charged by salt ions carrying blood in the blood, by measuring this positive charge, it is possible to determine blood sugar.

Clinical trials on 7 people without diabetes, the researchers found that this method results in a measurement that is true for the classic blood collection method.

A paste on the skin is capable of being used for 1 day before damage, costing only a few cents a patch.

Picture 2 of Temporary tattoos that measure blood sugar do not need to take blood
Tattoos measure blood sugar

Previously there were also non-invasive blood glucose products, for example, GlucoWatch is a blood sugar meter, but this is not common because people with skin allergies, or MIT, have also studied a cold. Variable into the skin, can help measure blood sugar for 6 consecutive months, however the MIT study has not conducted human tests.