How does the brain, vision, bladder, blood sugar or cardiovascular system change after you drink a beer?

Okra is a food containing a variety of vitamins and minerals such as fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamins B1, B3, B6, calcium, vitamin K, magnesium, folate, manganese ...

According to Dr. Hoang Hong Van, Viet Duc Friendship Hospital, HIV symptoms are difficult to identify. There are periods when the patient has no symptoms, this condition can last

This research helps open up the hope of treating this autoimmune disease, which affects millions of children and young people around the world.

For decades, experts have recommended breakfast to be the most important meal of the day.

Thanks to the Bluetooth application, this electronic device can be connected to a special smartphone (smartphone) in the pocket.

A person with diabetes (diabetes mellitus) must have a blood test several times a day to determine blood sugar.

A candy bar can help us dispel not only hunger but also reduce the risk of anger and limit the quarrels in life, especially married life.

Medical researchers from the University of Leyden Medical Center (Netherlands) have found an association between blood sugar levels and human aging, the report in the journal Age

Hypoglycemia is a term used to indicate a drop in blood sugar below normal levels. This is quite a dangerous disease, can even be fatal, although many of us are still not wary of