Medicinal taste from rosewood

Rosehip, also known as rose rose, wild rose, wallflower, scientific name Rosa multiflora Thunb, belonging to the rose family (Rosaceae), is a beautiful ornamental plant long established in villas, public Public facilities, public gardens, family gardens.

Picture 1 of Medicinal taste from rosewood

(Photo: TTO)

It is a shrub, many branches. Stems have many spines. Double leaf consists of 5 leaflets, edge of teeth. Flowers become branched clusters, many colors: red, white, pink, light fragrance. The fruit is ripe yellow.

The major medicinal parts of rosehip are roots, collected all year round, preferably in the fall, washed, dried or dried. When used, to live or gold stars.

According to traditional medicine, spring roots have a bitter, acrid, cool, low temperature, beneficial effect, peanut, detoxification, antiseptic, and are used in the following cases:

Cure diuresis, do not handle pee, children enuresis: Spring ripe roots (20-30g) sliced, dried, sharp with 400ml of water still 100ml, drink twice a day (Nam pharmacy god).

Cure dysentery: Roots in the spring of gold stars, earth, use separately or in combination with pomegranate pods, stubby roots, banana peels, guava buds each 20g each. Sac took solid water and drank it during the day. Instant 3-5 days.

Treatment of rheumatism, back of knee pain, muscle atrophy, difficulty walking: Roots in spring, cow's breast roots, ox-root roots, dimensional strings, apple-root roots, hippocampus, cumulus (20g each). Alcohol or alcohol drink. Or roots of the spring of 20g; Root carving, gac root, stubborn roots of 10g each, same color drinking in the day.

Note: Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding are not allowed to use spring roots .

In addition to roots, people in some places also use spring leaves to wash, crush, cure pimples, inflammation, pain. Rose flowers are collected when hatched, dried, orally drenched, bitter, acrid, welding, mild bleach, curing, hot, thirsty mouth; If you store flowers for essential oils, use drops. Fruits of spring range have a lot of colloids, vitamins B1 and C, sour, average, non-toxic are used as laxatives, strong diuretic, analgesic, rheumatism, aches, irregular menstruation, menstruation stomachache.