Medicine 'longevity' is about to come true?

'Longevity' drugs may soon become a reality after scientists can 'rejuvenate' the cells of older children with older syndrome.

>>>Found the elixir

American scientists found that cells of children with older age syndrome could live longer after being treated with a long- life drug called rapamycin .

Dr. Francis Collins, one of the best scientists in the world and a member of the research team, hopes their findings will help find a new treatment for HGPS syndrome - a syndrome. Rare gene mutations, accelerate the aging process and cause patients to die at age 12.

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Hayley Okines has HGPS syndrome on the first day of school at age 4, 2002. Photo: Daily Mail.

Hayley Okines, who lives in Sussex (England), is a typical case of HGPS gene mutation syndrome. Hayley was just 13 years old in January 2011, but her face was no different from an old one. Doctors said that HGPS syndrome caused Hayley to be 8 times faster than an average person.

Scientists found that the HGPS gene mutation syndrome group increased the number of a mutant protein called progerin . The proliferation of this protein in cells causes them to fail and age faster than usual.

When treated with rapamycin, progerin mutant protein will be pushed out of the body's cells and help these cells return to a healthy state. In addition, rapamycin also works to help cells live longer than usual.

Previous studies on rapamycin have shown that this kind of ' medicinal spirit ' can last for more than 10 years. Rapamycin has been used to prevent the body's immune system from eliminating transplanted organs. This substance is made from a bacterium on Easter Island, located off Chile.