MI5 warns of risks from Chinese hackers

MI5 director general of the British intelligence agency issued a warning to banks and financial services about the risk of trade information theft by Chinese hackers.

According to Jonathan Evans, a newcomer to MI5 in April issued a warning in an unusual letter to companies about the threat from hacker organizations in China.

This Chinese hacker has long been seen as a danger to MI5, but in recent years, this problem has become increasingly painful. The decision to send letters to private companies is an attempt to emphasize that not only government computers are the target of Chinese hackers, but also that private computers are in danger.

Picture 1 of MI5 warns of risks from Chinese hackers

MI5 voiced a warning about the danger of Chinese hackers

In his first speech last month, Mr. Evans expressed indignation when MI5 was already under a lot of pressure on the anti-terror mission, still sharing resources to deal with hackers in the activities. Intelligence intelligence from Russia and China. ' Although the cold war ended nearly two decades ago, our agency still defended Britain against sabotage efforts from Russia, China and some other countries. They do not spare time and effort to steal technology in British civilian and military projects. They not only use traditional methods, but also more and more sophisticated attacks technically, use the Internet to infiltrate networks of computers . '
