Warning about new ways of operating hackers

Small businesses are in big trouble with hackers when they use a new phishing technology called Automated Clearing House (ACH).

Picture 1 of Warning about new ways of operating hackers

With this technology, switches can install a malware on a business computer and use them to access the company's online bank account. Soon, the hacker will immediately set up a line to transfer money to his account by adding a fake employee's name list, or a person who is paid by the company legally and depositing the money. This is abroad.

Scammers can transfer thousands of dollars after only a few hours in this way. Their goal is often small businesses that use local banks or credit funds. Most of these banks do not have the resources, the ability to identify and prevent high-tech crimes.

In this ACH phishing technology, hackers target businesses posting jobs on the Internet and sending them malicious programs or scripts impersonated as job applications.

An anonymous company in the US said it had lost $ 150,000 this way. The FBI said a hacker virus embedded a virus that was a variant of the Bredolab Trojan , allowing an attacker to obtain bank information for employees who worked on the company's finances.

This form of fraud has been going on for at least six months since July 2010, according to SonicWall, a security service provider. A file containing Trojans is usually a text file with content like: ' Hello! I heard the company is recruiting staff. I'm quite interested in this job and will send the file to the company . '. In the cases discovered by the FBI, hackers transferred money to Ukraine and two US bank accounts.

In the short term, there are some things that small businesses can do to prevent this. The FBI recommends that, if unsure of reading a new email, the company receiving the mail can delete the attachment and ask the applicant to resend an email other than the pre-written record. In addition, companies can open documents with the Google Gmail utility to ensure safety.