Microsoft turned the living room into a ... movie theater

If you've ever wanted to turn the living room into a cinema, Microsoft is about to satisfy you. The company has just unveiled an incredible scanner and movie projector.

The scanner and movie projector called IllumiRoom in Microsoft's research lab is demonstrating a number of advanced video games.

Picture 1 of Microsoft turned the living room into a ... movie theater
IllumiRoom machines are being tested

Microsoft still refused to disclose details. The machine will be shown at a computer graphics conference held in late 2013. The company just said: 'IllumiRoom can turn the area around the TV screen into a vivid virtual image space that brings 'great' entertainment feeling right in the living room. '

IllumiRoom machine uses Kinect sensor for Windows camera. The movie projector obscures the lines on the screen, creating a vivid environment that combines virtual and real worlds.

Kinect sensor allows users to control the game more accurately, following game movement with high accuracy.

IllumiRoom can change the look of your living room, create clear motion, broaden your vision, bring a new gaming experience.

The Kinect action recognition sensor can recognize both furniture in the room, put the furniture in the game or cover it with video images to no longer see tables and chairs. The entire living room is just a space in the game or movie.