Miraculously discovering the 'forbidden planet' in the Solar System

According to a new study, astronomers have found a planet that originated outside the Solar System so rare that they called it

CNN said that the planet is called NGTS-4b, which is three times the size of Earth and 20% smaller than Neptune. It is also hotter than Mercury with a temperature of 1,000 degrees Celsius. And the planet has its own atmosphere.

An international group of astronomers used the next generation transit survey device to detect this small planet.

Picture 1 of Miraculously discovering the 'forbidden planet' in the Solar System

This is the first planet found in the Neptune Desert.

A detailed study of the planet was published on May 27 in the Royal Astronomical Society magazine.

This is the first planet found in the Neptune Desert. Previously, scientists believed that planets were blown with radiation from stars , so planets could not maintain their atmosphere but only one stone core remained.

But NGTS-4b still has the atmosphere.

This triggered a search for new planets to explore more about this area.

"We are currently looking for data to see if we can see any more such planets on the Neptune Desert. Perhaps this desert," said one scientist in the research team . green 'than we ever thought.'

Update 30 May 2019



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