Most pregnant women lack vitamin D

Pregnant women need to take higher doses of vitamin D, compared with the usual indications, a new study has just recommended. This important vitamin deficiency causes mothers and babies to be at risk for many diseases.

Picture 1 of Most pregnant women lack vitamin D The author of the study, Professor Adit Ginde, from the Medical School, University of Denver, Colorado, said: "We know how important vitamin D is to the bones of mothers and babies, but in fact. we just know the surface of many of the potential benefits of this vitamin for pregnancy. "

Research has found that about 70% of pregnant women in the United States are deficient in vitamin D. Women with dark skin, who often wear hooded suits for religious or cultural reasons and those who live in places where seasons are available. The longer the winter, the lower the vitamin D content.

"Taking vitamins during pregnancy increases vitamin D levels, but many women just start drinking after they become pregnant. Although the study continues, I think it is best for girls to start drinking a few. months before pregnancy, to maximize the benefits of health, " Professor Ginde said on the school website.

Vitamin D deficiency is considered to be associated with increased respiratory and asthma infections in children. In adults, it will contribute to cardiovascular disease and some forms of cancer.

Life is sedentary and "locked up" in apartments now is a big cause of this situation.