Motherhood between dogs and gibbons

Gibbon is not a favorite dog, but a dog in Russia has nurtured orphaned gibbons for the past two years.

Picture 1 of Motherhood between dogs and gibbons
Two years ago, when a newborn ape was abandoned by his mother in a zoo in Russia, it seemed a gloomy future awaited it. A zoo employee brought it home to take care of. This man's bull dog has adopted a gibbon.

Picture 2 of Motherhood between dogs and gibbons
The puppies also show an affection for the orphaned gibbon. They often play and sleep together.

Picture 3 of Motherhood between dogs and gibbons
It seems that the gibbon thought it was a dog, because he was eating with a four-legged posture like the puppies.

Picture 4 of Motherhood between dogs and gibbons
The gibbon appears satisfied when sleeping with its "adoptive mother".

Picture 5 of Motherhood between dogs and gibbons
Animal experts claim dogs are often afraid of primates. So close relationships between gibbons and dogs are rare.

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However, sometimes the dog is tired because he has to serve a hyperactive child.