Women are smarter after giving birth

Recently, scientists have discovered that a woman's brain actually develops during their motherhood. A study by the American Psychological Association showed the development of important parts in the brain of newly born women.

Researchers at the National Institute of Mental Health in Maryland performed brain scans of 19 newly born women. Comparing their images of the brain at 2 - 4 weeks and 3-4 months after birth, scientists discovered an increase in small amounts of gray matter in different parts. of the brain at a later stage.

Picture 1 of Women are smarter after giving birth
A woman's brain will develop more after giving birth. (Illustration)

In adults, gray matter usually does not change over a few months if there are no learning activities, brain damage, disease or major changes in the environment. Scientists speculate that hormone levels and worries for the baby's birth led to the growth of brain cells.

According to neuroscience Dr. Craig Kinsley and Dr. Elizabeth Meyer, the motivation for mothers to take care of a child as well as the formation of a mother's characteristics is not only due to instinct but also due to the result of build dynamic brain.

Although these findings need to be replicated soon with more tests, it raises an interesting question about the interaction between mother and child, the report said.