Music helps children be more intelligent and alert

An expert said that music not only makes a stubborn child calm down the wild nature of humans but also makes them more calm and at the same time training cognitive skills and coordination. matter.

The mother's gentle lullaby, his whistling, her wit in the kitchen or her soft voice in the shower - all of which seem to be musical activities that never harmful, on the contrary, helps a newborn child not only gain language skills but also learn how people interact with each other in a society.

Professor Michael Schulte-Markwort, head of the Institute of Child Psychology at the University Hospital of Hamburg, Germany, said: 'The experiment showed that babies in the womb had a relaxing expression. for music and moreover they can feel music after birth '.

Picture 1 of Music helps children be more intelligent and alert (Artwork: He also revealed: 'The first step, music helps the center of language processing of the brain to develop well so that children can reveal the ability of music at the earliest age to serve learning and speaking earlier than the children born in families with no access to music '.

Being exposed to melodies and lyrical poems or songs also contributed significantly to enhancing memory ability for other lessons.

Dancing with rhythm and dancing also increases the skills of coordinating immature muscles so that the children are comfortable in music, dancing will benefit health and the ability to coordinate better than the children that parents have. Never teach them to sing, dance and play a simple drum or any other instrument.

Professor Michael Schulte-Markwort points out: 'Children develop a sense of touch when listening to melodious music and music with little coordination with solid steps'.

He added: 'As soon as they learn, they also move in rhythm with the stimuli of music and in addition they start to dance themselves. Good and caring parents encourage their children to sing and dance to the rhythm naturally '.

He also emphasized that children in pre-school age often take part in games that include moving in rhythm and jumping to encourage them to clap their hands in the right rhythm by beating or creating rhythms with percussion instruments. Simple like bells, bells and small drums.