Mysterious strange circular rocks in nature

Huge, strange circular rocks are strange phenomena that people see everywhere on Earth and no one seems to be able to explain the cause.

These are the wonders such as the Moeraki Rock, also known as the " Watermelon of the Prophet Elijah" . Some say that they are fossils from hundreds of millions of years ago of dinosaur eggs, which are the fruits of giant prehistoric plants. Even if someone mentioned the hypothesis, they were the relics that aliens brought from the time the Earth was formed.

Picture 1 of Mysterious strange circular rocks in nature
Moeraki ancient stone beach

Imagine that the huge rocks almost like a full sphere or the round iron balls in the machine are enlarged to thousands of thousands of times up to a few meters in diameter.

Suppose someone smashed these rocks to see what was inside, it would be surprising. Empty or dense? Who will see beautiful pearl-like mineral crystals, bright and messy arrangements of a heavenly treasure for fairy?

The most famous rock collection of this type is in a fishing village in New Zealand. The round rocks expose themselves right on the coast. But they are quite diverse. There is a round, smooth, round boulder that is rough as a tortoise shell like works in progress. Again, there is a cracked crack like being smashed into pieces or with large cracks.

But to admire "The watermelon of the Prophet Elijah ," you don't need to go to New Zealand to lose it, because you have found them in China, in Israel.

Picture 2 of Mysterious strange circular rocks in nature
Round rocks are found in many places on the left
land and with them are many different theories.

In Costa Rica they are called 'The Marbles of God' and are revered by the local people here.

The largest of the 'Gods' balls is 3 meters in diameter and is estimated to weigh up to 16 tons. The smallest pieces are only balls for children to play, about 10 centimeters in diameter. They arrange themselves naturally or in groups of 3 to 50 fruits. Occasionally there are also rocks of a period.

Similar rocks are also available in Russia. For example, visitors can see those mysterious circular rocks in Boguchanka village located on the coast. The villagers since knowing about having 'Aliens' visiting the Earth insist that these are the things they bring and leave. Because the stones were knocked on, it was hollow and the outer shell was as solid as an alloy. They think that inside those rocks hide hidden objects so no one dares to touch them anymore.

Due to people's beliefs make the round rocks tinged with mystical colors. But geologists think differently. They thought that there were no dinosaurs or any kind of tree that could produce eggs and had such a big fruit.The emergence of circular stones like spheres is the erosion and fast flow of water streams in the Ice Age that took place for millions of years.

As for the types of hollow and outer rocks such as alloys, the official science explains that these are just geological formations, whose scientific name is zheodan , which are volcanic or sedimentary minerals. , confining the gases inside their pores, aged no less than 60 million years.

However, righteous interpretation is just a hypothesis.