Nanotechnology and applications of nanotechnology

The term Nano technology on this day is very popular, everyone must have heard it. But what nanotechnology really is, not everyone knows.

What is nanotechnology?

Nanotechnology, (nanotechnology) is a technology industry involved in the design, analysis, fabrication and application of structures, devices and systems by controlling shape, size on scale. nanometer (nm, 1 nm = 10−9 m).

Picture 1 of Nanotechnology and applications of nanotechnology
This technology is also rated as clean (less polluting) and more effective than current technologies.

Nanotechnology has a huge application in life and is a promising technology right now and in the future. Imagine that small nanoscale devices can get into people, find parts that are "sick" and better than contribute to making that part "healthy" again. This technology is also rated as clean (less polluting) and more effective than current technologies.

Application of nanotechnology

1. Nanotechnology can save your life

Health is one of the largest applications of nanotechnology. For example, the treatment of cancer, many different treatments have been tried to limit tumor growth and destroy them at the cellular level. A study has shown very positive results when using gold nanoparticles to combat many types of cancer. These nanoparticles will be brought to tumors inside the body, then they are raised by infrared laser beams from outside to destroy tumors.

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Health is one of the largest applications of nanotechnology.

Not only that, scientists also studied a very special nanorobot project . With micro-sized robots, it is possible to go inside the human body to bring treatment to the necessary parts. Direct supply of such drugs increases the ability and effectiveness of treatment.

Nanotechnology in the not too distant future will help people fight the cancer of evil monsters. Even the most intractable cancers like brain cancer, doctors will be able to easily treat without opening the patient's skull or any toxic chemotherapy.

2. Nanotechnology in electronics around us

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Nanotechnology also contributes a lot in electronics, especially energy technology.

Referring to nanotechnology, you will probably think about the science projects that are being conducted by the leading professors in the lab, the most advanced and advanced technologies. However, you may be using some of the nanotechnology products right now. Microprocessors made from nanomaterials are quite popular in the market, some products such as mice and keyboards are also coated with an antibacterial nano layer.

Nanotechnology also contributes a lot in electronics, especially energy technology . Nano batteries in the future will be made of nanowhiskers. This tube structure will cause the battery terminals to have a much larger surface area, helping it store more power. While the size of the battery will be increasingly narrowed.

3. Nanotechnology in garment application

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The fashion industry has entered a new page with the application of nanotechnology in some special fabrics.

Since the early 2000s, the fashion industry has entered a new page with the application of nanotechnology in some special fabrics. An extremely special idea with clothes that can kill offensive odors in clothing has become a reality with the application of silver nanoparticles. These silver nanoparticles can attract bacteria and destroy their cells. This useful application has been applied on a number of sportswear models and more specifically used in a deodorant panties.

Not only is it deodorizing, nanotechnology can turn the shirt you're wearing into a mobile power station. Using energy sources such as wind, solar energy and nanotechnology you will be able to charge your smartphone anytime, anywhere. This application is also more widely used with the idea of ​​making sails with nanomaterials, with the ability to convert natural energy into electricity. However, this application is still in the testing process.

4. Nanotechnology in nature

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Applications of nanotechnology now can be found in nature.

There is a fact that today's nanotechnology applications can be found in nature. For example, an application of nanotechnology on fabrics makes them impervious to water and dirt, you can see the same thing when water droplets roll on the surface of the lotus leaf. The surface of the lotus leaf is covered with a special coat of nanometer size, making the droplets unable to absorb or adhere to the surface of the leaves. Simulating this, the scientists created a tiny layer of nanotubes on the surface of the fabric and thereby created waterproof and dust-proof clothes.

An example of a gecko in the research project of Robert Full's research team at Berkeley. Scientists have discovered that each gecko toe is covered with a microscopic coat of hair that allows them to adhere to smooth surfaces according to van der Waals forces (the adhesion between molecules). Simulating that, scientists also created pads with super-small nanotubes that could assist climbers to cling better on the cliffs.

Human society is now very developed, but we are still learning a lot from nature. It is important that the development of science technologies must contribute to promoting life, not destroying the life of nature.

5. Food from nanotechnology

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Nanotechnology will also help store food longer.

Nanotechnology is the research, analysis and design on a very small scale of nanometers, so how much is it enough to use it to make food? Fortunately, we will not eat food made from nanotechnology, but nanotechnology will change the way we eat food every day.

Scientists have been experimenting to change foods at the atomic and molecular levels, making these foods more flavorful and nutritious. This means that we will enjoy dishes with extremely strange taste but high nutritional value thanks to food nanotechnology.

Nanotechnology will also help store food much longer by creating food-capable materials that can kill bacteria. We can see that many types of refrigerators today are coated with nano-silver inside to kill bacteria. Even some high-class food cans are now coated with nano-silver inside.

6. Nanotechnology and the future

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Nanotechnology has great potential.

Scientists all confirmed the role of nanotechnology. However, not all fields can apply this technology. Behind it is a series of ethical factors (when using nanotech to intervene in genetic modification), social factors and human factors.

The UK's Science and Technology Minister, Lord Sainsbury, said: "Nanotechnology has great potential. It can be very beneficial in many different areas. However, we have to watch. consider them under a different angle, moral perspective, health, safety and social response ".

Therefore, the UK quickly researched the development capabilities of this type of technology and put them into strict application laws. However, the scientific community predicts, in the near future, nanotechnology will dominate most of the key areas of human science.