The human body is wonderful but not perfect. It can have defects, damage and disease that can be attacked with little or no warning.

Researchers at Ohio State University are developing antennas and circuits that are just 0.1mm in size

US scientists are upgrading the X-ray microscope to study the activities of the microscopic world.

A team of researchers at MIT Media Lab (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) has introduced the KickSoul system, which allows users to control smartphones, computers or some

Self-driving yesterday appeared on the streets of Japan for the first time, expected to reduce accidents involving the elderly.

Recently, a pair of sports shoes designed with about 100 single LEDs and advanced motion sensors have been created, which will bring a light display when people wear and move.

Kissing devices allow couples or couples to send kisses to each other at long distances.

Researchers have developed an ultra-thin, transparent and flexible microchip that can wrap around a human hair that still works well.

The Batthead is an AA type rechargeable NiMH battery, which contains a Bluetooth smart chip that allows it to connect to the phone and an accelerometer sensor for motion detection.

By connecting monitors and devices to the same computer network, users can play video from any device on any screen, based on Intel's new technology.