Natural Mother is the culprit who wiped out half of the Arctic ice

Natural changes in the Pacific may be responsible for half of the ice melting in the Arctic in recent decades.

Previous scientific circles said that human activities were the culprit that caused Arctic ice to melt at a record speed. However, a report by US scientists published in Nature Climate Change shows that natural changes are responsible for 30-50% of the Arctic ice has disappeared since 1979, according to Reuters.

Picture 1 of Natural Mother is the culprit who wiped out half of the Arctic ice
The Arctic ice sheet is at a record low for the second year in a row, according to the US National Snow and Ice Data Center.(Photo: Reuters).

According to data sent from satellites, Arctic ice is significantly reduced and reached a record low in September 2012, the end of the summer season in the Arctic. In mid-March this year, the amount of ice is at the lowest level compared to the same period of 2015 and 2016.

Research shows that the phenomenon of decades-long warming in the Arctic may be related to natural changes in the Pacific tropical region.

"If this natural change stops or reverses in the near future, we will see the ice melt slowly, even thicker , " Qinghua Ding, the lead author of the study at the University of California in Santa Barbara, USA, said.

However, in the long run, man-made greenhouse gases will become the main culprit of Arctic melting, according to Ding."The question is no longer, but when the Arctic ice will melt in the summer," said Ed Hawkins of the University of Reading, England.

Picture 2 of Natural Mother is the culprit who wiped out half of the Arctic ice
Eureka Strait on Ellesmere Island in the Canadian Arctic in a survey image of NASA on March 25, 2014.(Photo: Reuters).

Arctic ice melting is severely affecting the lives of indigenous peoples and harming wild animals such as white bears and seals, but also expanding the area of ​​oil, gas and maritime routes.

In 2013, a report by UN climate scientists said the influence of "capable of contributing" people to ice melting in the Arctic, but did not give an accurate estimate. According to the report, by mid-century, ice will melt if emissions continue to rise.