Nearly 4 thousand genetic diseases were discovered after 2 days of birth

By using a new projection system, just 2 days after birth, it is possible to detect 3,500 genetic diseases in a newborn baby.

The new system will check the entire gene in a drop of baby's blood before heading to anomalies in a single gene to detect a baby's disease.

Genetic diseases often affect up to 1/100 children. This is also the reason why we must take immediate care after birth.

With about 500 genetic diseases, such as Krabble disease (a disorder of the nervous system) early treatments can prevent the disease from developing, even saving lives.

Picture 1 of Nearly 4 thousand genetic diseases were discovered after 2 days of birth
A trial was conducted on 5 babies, 4 babies had the right diagnosis.

Most illnesses are rare and not every doctor knows. And the analysis of the baby's genes to find the cause of the disease usually takes up to 6 weeks.

Researchers at Kansas City's Children's Compassion Hospital said that by using the new method, they could reduce the time of genetic diagnosis to 50 hours.

After taking a drop of blood containing DNA from the baby, the doctors listed a series of abnormalities on the patient's body. A computer will scan for gene mutations to find the location of the mutant gene.

Stephen Kingsmore, director of the Hospital of Humanities, said that the new technology will change the patient industry, making it easier for doctors to use drugs with tiny patients.

Reference: Telegraph