Test once know 15 thousand types of genetic diseases

Just by making a single genetic test, prospective parents will know if their fetus is affected by most genetic diseases, a British science group said.

The team from the Bridge Center in London said the £ 1,500 test (about 40 million VND) could detect any of the 15,000 genetic diseases, in just a few weeks.

Current tests either focus on specific gene mutations, or take longer to produce results. For example, hospitals can check embryos before transplanting them into women's wombs to see if they carry certain gene mutations, if their families have been affected by a specific genetic disease.

Picture 1 of Test once know 15 thousand types of genetic diseases

A cell will be removed from the embryo just a few days old for testing.(Photo: BBC)

Another type of test, launched two years ago by Guy's Hospital in London, looked at gene "fingerprints," by examining the entire DNA of a cell. However, the latest technology - also known as karyomapping, chromosomal analysis - is the unique " one for all " test so far.

The testing and control procedures are as follows

Doctors will remove a cell from an 8-day-old embryo, created by in vitro fertilization. Later, the mother and father's DNA samples were also collected. In addition, people will take DNA samples from another family member, possibly a child who has been affected by hereditary disease.

After all, the DNA of all family members will be compared, controlled at 300,000 specific locations, allowing the creation of a genome map of the lineage.

Thanks to this map, experts can know whether a group of genes (inherited from grandparents to sick children) is present in this new fetus.

Professor Alan Handyside, who developed the test, said: "Current tests can only identify a small number of defects. One of the parents' concerns is that there are no tests. can know their specific disease.This is the only test type - a holistic method ".

This test is being tested at the Bridge Center, in parallel with traditional tests so that doctors can check the results.