New discovery about the Last Supper

Stewed beans, lamb, olives, bitter herbs, fish sauces, unleavened bread, dates and aromatic liquors. It seemed like the dishes of the Last Supper, according to Discovery News, which led the recent research into Jesus Christ.

There have been new discoveries in the painting of the Leonardo da Vinci 's Supper

Maybe the party did not take place on a rectangular table, like in religious paintings, where God and the apostles sat on the floor pads, like the Romans of the time. This is the result of a study by two Italian archaeologists, Generoso Urciuoli and Marta Berogno. The two experts based on biblical excerpts, Jewish handwritten documents, ancient Roman works and archaeological data to investigate eating habits in Jerusalem at the beginning of the first century after God.

Picture 1 of New discovery about the Last Supper
The work of the Leonardo da Vinci 's Last Supper - (Photo:

'The starting point is to assume that Jesus is Jewish. He and the apostles followed the Torah traditions and forbidden foods at the time, ' according to Urciuoli expert. In addition to the food on the table analyzed, tableware such as plates, cups and pots can be made of stone to avoid contaminating others, according to the Jewish concept.

The location of the guests around the table follows certain rules, and the most important people sit on the left and right sides of the main guest.'Excerpts in John's gospels show that Judas sits very close to Jesus, possibly right next to his left hand. In fact, we were told that Judas dipped his bread into the Lord's plate, following the common practice of sharing food in a shared bowl ' , according to Urciuoli expert.

New findings will be detailed in a book called Gerusalemme: l'Ultima Cena (Jerusalem: The party party) is about to be published.