New technology on 6G phones can help detect skin cancer early

Scientists have discovered a new method that can detect skin cancer in just a few seconds, thanks to technology available on 6G network phones .

The Daily Mail (UK) reported that currently, skin cancer diagnosis is often based on microscopy or computed tomography (CT).

Picture 1 of New technology on 6G phones can help detect skin cancer early
Using low-frequency terahertz radiation can detect skin cancer early. (Illustration photo: Stock Image).

CT scans rely on high-frequency radio waves to create detailed images inside the body, however, the examiner must go to the hospital and the equipment is quite cumbersome. Although this method can help detect the disease in its early stages, the downside is that high-frequency radio waves can damage healthy cells in the body . They are also time consuming and expensive.

Now, researchers at Queen Mary University and the University of Glasgow in the UK have come up with another solution that they claim could be revolutionary for skin cancer diagnosis. They published their research in the journal IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.

Researchers have developed a sensor that uses low-frequency terahertz (THz) radiation , which is less harmful, more accurate than a microscope, and safer than a CT scan. Similar technology will be used in the next generation of 6G network mobile phones.

THz imaging focuses on how tissue responds to certain radio frequencies. Researchers say this means it can identify even small amounts of cancer cells.

They also claim that the new sensor can detect skin cancer in seconds with 'exceptional sensitivity'. In the future, it could be integrated into handheld devices so that patients can be diagnosed more conveniently, even at home.

Scientists tested the sensor on 3D synthetic skin to test its ability to detect cell changes. After irradiating the skin samples with THz radiation, they monitored the radio waves and found that with cancer cells, the radio waves were reflected back with three specific characteristics. It is then fed into a computer program that creates an on-screen graph.

Shohreh Nourinovin at Queen Mary University's School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, who led the research, said the technology facilitates more accurate distinctions between healthy and cancerous cells as well. such as measuring the level of tissue malignancy. In laboratory tests, the sensor successfully identified normal skin cells and basal cell carcinoma - the most common type of skin cancer - in less than five minutes.

Researchers say this ability to detect early-stage cancer has great potential to improve patient outcomes.

Professor Qammer Abbasi at the University of Glasgow, who was involved in the study, said the new technology could be especially beneficial for people who cannot get to hospital or live in remote areas. He envisions it being used to screen people for skin cancer. If cancer is detected, a more detailed examination is required. 'The earlier skin cancer is diagnosed, the better the treatment results. This technology can save countless lives ,' he added.