Night lights affect people's mood

Use red light at night to light better than using white light.

In the study of mice published in The Journal of Neuroscience , scientists found that blue light at night had an adverse impact on the mood of this animal, followed by white light.

Rats exposed to red light show less symptoms and signs of depression than mice exposed to blue or white light.

After testing, the researchers examined the hippocampus brain region of the hamster.'Behavioral and behavioral brain tests show that the color of light plays an important role in mood formation ,' said Randy Nelson, co-author of the study, professor of neurology and psychology. said Ohio State University.

Picture 1 of Night lights affect people's mood
Red night light.(Photo: Fotolia)

In most tests, the mood of the mouse exposed to blue light was the worst, followed by mice exposed to white light. Red light or dark environment is completely unaffected.

According to scientists, the finding is important for people, especially those who work at night."Light can make them more susceptible to mood disorders ," said Randy Nelson.

"From this study, we can use red light for night shift workers, red light has no negative impact on their health like white light ' , Science Daily quoted Randy. Nelson said.

The study examines the role of retinal light-sensing cells called ipRGCs . It does not play an important role in determining people's vision but it senses light, and sends signals to the brain. Since then, it helps regulate the body's biological clock, affecting people's moods and emotions.

Tracy Bedrosian, a college alumnus in Ohio, USA, co-authored the study, said: 'Night light causes the parts of the brain to function to regulate the human mood to receive signals as in the daytime. unnecessarily. This is why night light is related to depression in some people. '

"If you need to light up the night in the bathroom or bedroom, it would be better to choose red light rather than white light ," Bedrosian said.