Nisin - Natural preservative can be used to treat cancer

The type of natural preservative nisin has been discovered by scientists to be able to kill cancer cells and some antibiotic bacteria.

Nisin is an antibacterial substance derived from bacteria. Its essence is a protein secreted from bacteria to defeat other bacteria. Antimicrobial agents originating from bacteria in general and nisin in particular are quite common in lactic acid bacteria - the bacteria responsible for the process of turning milk into cheese, yogurt, . Besides That is, nisin is also a good bacterium for preserving milk and some manufacturers have used it in the processing of meat, pickled foods, salad dressing and soup.

Picture 1 of Nisin - Natural preservative can be used to treat cancer
Nisin acts to kill some types of bacteria, including methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus.

This time, in a study published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy entitled "Nisin Biomedical Application" , scientists at the University of Michigan also discovered this safe, natural bacterium could Healing. In the study, the scientists injected mice with tumors on their heads and necks with a large amount of pure nisin for more than 9 weeks. At the end of the treatment, nisin killed 70 to 80% of cancer cells.

On the other hand, Nisin also kills some types of bacteria, including methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus. First, nisin will break down biofilm biofilms (membranes made up of bacteria), sticking together many individuals to support defense against other bacteria. After attacking, nisin will bind the enemy bacteria and prevent its defense mechanism. Finally, the researchers believe that nisin can also activate the host's immune response, helping the body to defeat pathogenic bacteria.

Currently, the ability to kill nisin's cancer cells is applied in mice. The team thinks that if taken in the same dose on humans, "pure nisin pill" must be 20 to 30 times bigger than an advil. However, this is still a good signal in the fight against cancer and very likely in the near future, we will have a natural drug that can cure cancer, moderate against other dangerous infections.