Peppers can cure prostate cancer

A natural chemical in red pepper may help treat prostate cancer, according to a recent study by scientists at the American Cancer Research Center.

Picture 1 of Peppers can cure prostate cancer Capsaicin in red chili can cause prostate cancer cells to self-destruct (Photo: TTO) This chemical is called capsaicin, an ingredient in chili that causes heat, tears and sweating when eaten. to enter. According to researchers' findings, it could cause prostate cancer cells to self-destruct.

This finding is based on studies in mouse experiments. Scientists found capsaicin reduced up to 80% of developing cancer cells in mice.

Capsaicin also helps reduce the size of prostate cancer tumor. In the study, rats treated with capsaicin reduced their tumor size by one-fifth compared to those not treated with capsaicin.

In the UK, the Prostate Cancer Relief Organization also said a future capsaicin drug could be used to treat prostate cancer, which kills 10,000 men a year.

However, experts recommend not eating too much chili as it can cause stomach cancer.