Non-bacterial arthritis

Arthritis can occur after infection in an organ outside the joints, such as the urinary system, digestive system . This is reactive arthritis, if prolonged will cause much suffering for patient.

Picture 1 of Non-bacterial arthritis

Hand bones (Photo: Health & life)

Reactive arthritis is a systemic, sterile arthritis caused by damage to some external organs such as conjunctivitis, urethritis, colitis, glomerulonephritis, etc. In ages 20-40, it is rare in children and the elderly. Men account for two-thirds of patients.

The pathogenesis of reactive arthritis is currently unknown. Recent studies have shown that this is a group of immunologically mediated role of Chlamydia trachomatis, Salmonella, Yersinia . Clinical manifestations are very rich and many levels, including:

Peripheral arthritis, mainly in the lower and asymmetric lower extremities, most commonly is arthritis, inflammation of the arthritis of the ankles.

Pain in the lumbar spine, pelvic pain in one side or two sides.

Inflammation of the software around the joints: Inflammation of ligaments, muscle weight, points of tendons, joints (Achile tendon .). Signs of toes, swollen fingers shaped 'ripe'.

External joint injuries: Ocular mucositis, mucositis usually occurs after 4-8 weeks of genital urinary or gastrointestinal infections.

50-70% of patients have a history of infection with genital urinary tract or gastrointestinal tract. About 20-30% of patients have a family history of spinal diseases, most commonly ankylosing spondylitis.

There is currently no specific test for the diagnosis of reactive arthritis. The diagnosis is based on clinical criteria (peripheral arthritis, lumbar spine pain, software inflammation around the joints, external injuries .), testing of sediment blood, bacteria and medical history (History of genital urinary tract infections, gastrointestinal tract .).

Reactive arthritis can be self-limiting and free, leaving no sequelae if properly diagnosed and treated. However, up to 10-20% of chronic progressive diseases with multiple relapses (peripheral arthritis and softening of the joints around the joints) greatly affect the motor function and the quality of life of the patient. .

The severity of reactive arthritis varies greatly, so there must be therapies appropriate for the clinical picture.

Dr. Tran Thi Minh Hoa , Health & Life