Nuclear war ever occurred prehistoric times?

The epic Mahabharata of the ancient Indians mentioned this kind of war, but is it true?

500,000 years ago, the ancients described the war scene as seeing firsthand in the Indian Mahabharata epic . They portray very honestly about that terrible scene.

Picture 1 of Nuclear war ever occurred prehistoric times?
Epic Mahabharata of Indians.

This is one of the contents of the epic: 'The heat of the weapon is hot enough to make the earth shake. The sun also shook, the animals died massively, the fish and shrimp swimming in the water were completely boiled, the enemy was burned dry like dry trees after being burned.

Unable to identify any corpses. The hair and nails completely disappeared, the birds also died in the air, the food was completely poisoned. '

The description above makes many people shudder with fear. They suspect whether the time of such a violent event or just an exaggeration was the genius imagination of the ancients.

Two archaeologists David Davenport and Ettore Vincenti also hypothesize that nuclear war actually took place in ancient times. Specifically, the ancient city of Mohenjo - Dora was devastated after the nuclear destruction and evidence that humans have found many layers of clay and green glass.

Archaeologists believe that an extremely high heat source melted clay and sand and then hardened immediately afterwards. The glassy layers are also found in the Nevada desert after every nuclear explosion. The analysis helped researchers to confirm that many parts of the city melted after exposure to high temperatures. About 12 remains in Mohenjo - Daro carry 50 times more radiation than normal.

These scientific analyzes bring us back to the golden age of India described in the epic Mahabharata. It mentioned a horrifying weapon with terrifying destruction. An ancient text about "shells" sparkles like fire, but does not emit smoke. "When the shells hit the ground, the sky became dark, thunderstorms ravaged the city. A tremendous explosion burned thousands of people and animals, turning them into ash".