O mai is also medicine

Apricot is a favorite dish for Tet. Prepared from fresh fruit, apricot sauce has a very good curative effect. Please introduce to you the taste of medicine from different types of apricot.

Tamarind fruit

Picture 1 of O mai is also medicine

Fruit tamarind (Photo: TTO)

Tamarind has a sour taste, acts on heat, refreshment, solarium, realism, helps digestion, laxative, choleretic, flatulence, brightens eyes. Ripe tamarind fruit to eat fresh, jam or drink water to cure root bleeding, liver pain, jaundice, biliary dysfunction, chronic gastritis, indigestion, or when pregnant or vomiting, bored eat, morning sickness Use 2-6g of fruit and meat on a day. Water is effective in preventing and treating malaria.

O mai me works to treat cough, warm stomach, stimulate digestion, hold vomiting. The days of sucking up many times.


Apricots are made into white apricot or apricot sauce. To prepare white apricot, people collect ripe fruits, use salt closely, put them in clay pots, salt for 3 days and 3 nights, take them out and put them back, then put them in salt again for 1 more day 1 night, drying Let it dry. Salt absorbed into the apricot fruit crystallized into a white film.

In order to make apricot trees, people harvest old and very mature fruits and dry them in cool places for 3 days. Then put in boiled water until the apricot skin wrinkles, then map and dry. Do this 6-7 times until the purple apricot is fine. O mai has sour taste, white apricot is salty, has the effect of reducing cough, new epidemic.

O mai is used as a medicine to reduce cough, eliminate sputum, treat sore throat, asthma, difficulty breathing, edema, dysentery, blood vomiting, vomiting; Use 4-8g of decoction or oral lozenges. Also use apricot to treat worms, coordinate with other drugs; In particular, bile ductworms, apricot nematode have the effect of creating an acidic environment which causes worms to get out of the bile ducts and return to the intestine.

The remedy has apricot (in the medicine, use apricot blossom to remove seeds):

Cure sore throat, long lost cough: Yellow ripe 100 fruits, lemon juice 1 cup, licorice 40g, honey 320g. All cooked, left the pulp, and she became tall.

Apricot salt (discarded seeds), celestial, vasculature, brisket, mulberry root pods, and equal flavors. Herbal herbs are dried, except for salt apricots, small spreads, cooked with honey and ginger juice, made with pellets, each time using a lozenges and swallowing.

Cure long-term cough, hoarseness, bronchitis and pharyngitis: O mai 4g, bamboo leaves, carpentry, each 8g; Licorice wire, sour tamarind soil, 5g each, lemon leaves 4g, ginger 2g live. Sac drank on a ladder.

Cure heat cough, spit out bloody sputum: O mai, star, stars, strawberry root, each 12g. Sac drank on a ladder.

Picture 2 of O mai is also medicine

(Photo: TTO)

Cure dysentery: Dream 20 fruits, 1 bowl of water, 6/10 sharp color, drink at hungry. Or umbrella 10-15 fruits, add water to boil, keep boiling for 15 minutes. Use drinking water instead of water during the day.

Cure chronic dysentery: O mai 8g, ginseng party 16g; Hoang Lien, Hoang Ba, regulations, each of 12g; Cross pepper, sacrifice, can khuong, cinnamon, each 6g. Spread powder, drink 20g of powder daily into small doses, or sharp drink on a ladder.

Treatment of acute diarrhea caused by infection: O mai, sa Nhan, cardamom, cassava, each 12g; Seaweed White Bean 20g, licorice 6g. Spread the powder to make pellets, drink 20g daily with solid tea.

Cure worms from bile ducts: O mai 16g, 12g military history, areca seeds, rustic incense, only 8g each. Sac drank on a ladder.

Treatment of thirsty digestion (diabetes mellitus): O mai (remove seeds) 80g, star through small canopy, each time use 8g with soybean (fermented black beans) 20g. Colors drink or cook at hungry.

Cure malaria: O mai (remove seeds) 4 fruits, usually painted (with vinegar, dried canopy) 8g. Breaking down as a tablet, drinking with alcohol early in the morning, before going into a fit.

Treatment of chronic malaria has a splenomegaly: O mai 8g, armor 16g; White gong, royal period, each of 12g; Cardamom, army lang, cross-frame, octopus, peel, licorice, post-art, ginger, 8g each. Spread the dough, drink 40g of powder several times a day, or sharpen on a ladder.


The fruit has a sour, slightly acrid taste, at the sweet and sour taste, has the effect of taste and taste, authentic and new epidemic, only thirsty, only coughs and sputum. Used to treat heat and dry mouth, itchy neck, sore throat, cough, pregnancy sickness, drunkenness, rash, swelling, itching. Each time using 4-6g crocodile fruit pulp, sharp water, brake with boiling water, or pickled with salt, sugar and then eat or dry the fruits processing into apricot.

Fresh green crocodile is used to cook sour soup, has the effect of making delicious food and enhancing digestion. Steamed with sugar used as a beverage. The fruit is ripe to eat, or to make jam, soy sauce.

The drug is crocodile

Cure for women who suffer from pregnancy vomiting: Citrus fruit cooks with crucian fish or duck meat and eats.

Cough cough: 4-6g fruit pulp, soaked with little salt, or water color, then add sugar. Day 2-3 times like that. Steamed crocodile with honey is a cough medicine for children.

Star fruit

Picture 3 of O mai is also medicine

Star fruit (Photo: TTO)

Carambola is sour, slightly sweet at the time, has the effect of cooling heat, refreshing, except for weathering and inflammation. Used to treat cough, sore throat, runny nose, allergies, paint sores, urinary retention, malaria, root bleeding and to stop measles. On using 20-40g or more, sharp drink.

The medicine is not

Cure cough, sore throat: Fresh star fruit 60-80g, squeeze drinking water.

Treatment of urinary incontinence: 7 fruits and fruits, cut each fruit to 1/3 on the stalk, pour into a bowl of water, the color is half a bowl, drink when still warm. Combine, take a star fruit and a crushed garlic, cover the navel.

Measles, quickly sprout and grow steadily: star fruit berries dried, vegetables, measles leaves, European soup, each of 20g, gold star lands. Sac drank on a ladder.

Prevention for postpartum women: star fruit, plant roots worms, each 20g, 30g bark. Colors drink water instead of water during the day.