'Ocean killer' hunts penguins

Penguins are one of the favorite dishes of killer whales, also known as tiger fish.

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Killer whales chase the penguin. The killer whale scientific name is Orcinus orca, belonging to the toothed whale sub-division. According to Wikipedia, this is the largest species of dolphin family and is the most ferocious predatory whale in the ocean.

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Killer whales live all oceans in the world, from the Arctic Ocean and the Antarctic region to the warm tropical waters.

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The killer whale preyed on herds, usually a family of 3-5 or even two families together.

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The killer whale attacks the penguin and has a delicious meal.

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Then they continue to search for other prey on the ocean. The killer whale is black above the body, white on the chest, abdomen, sides, upper back and eyes. The white parts are yellow or orange, when young, they become white.

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The length of males is about 6-8 m long, weighs more than 6 tons. Smaller females with a length of 5-7m, weigh 4-5 tons.

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They were dubbed the ocean assassins by effective and ruthless hunting tactics.

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In the hunt for prey, the killer whale is the one in the middle of the siege and makes the task harder than the male whale. Male killer whales have a longer and more pointed fins than female whales.

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Not only eat seals, their favorite food is also small fish, mollusks even large fish like gray back whales.

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Some killer whales eat sea animals like seals. Although they are oceanic killers, they are very friendly to humans, so people often catch them to raise and train to perform.