Older mothers are more likely to give birth to autistic children

Women who are 'late' in pregnancy are at risk of having children with autism, a big study points out.

Along with the development of society, married women are getting late, late childbirth makes the rate of autistic children increase rapidly

The study found that this risk increased by 50% for mothers who gave birth at age 40 compared to mothers who gave birth after age 20.

Many previous studies have found similar associations but it is unclear whether the age of the mother or father is more important.

Picture 1 of Older mothers are more likely to give birth to autistic children

California's latest survey of 4.9 million children was born in the 90s of the 20th century in California, including 12,159 autistic children, showing an 18% increase in autism risk for children with autism. Every mother is 5 years old. Meanwhile, there is little evidence of this risk in an older father.

Janie Shelton, the lead researcher, said: 'This has changed the current theory that fatherhood is a determining factor in the increased risk of autism in children.

It turns out that while maternal age determines an increase in the risk of autism, the age of the father only contributes to an increased risk, and this risk in the father increases only when the elderly father and mother are under 30 years old. In a mother over the age of 30, the risk of a father is almost impossible. '

Accordingly, children born to mothers under 25 years old and fathers over 40 years of age will be twice as likely to have autism than those children of fathers aged 25-29.

However, scientists are not clear why older parents increase the risk of autism in children. Preliminary research by scientists at the Department of Public Health Science at the University of Davis shows that mothers with children with autism have antibodies that are particularly antagonistic to proteins in the fetal brain that chew that may affect to brain development.

The chemicals in the environment that can accumulate in the body can also cause autism with errors of 'invading' genes into sperm production in older men.

Autism is a type of developmental disorder that lasts a lifetime and affects social ability.