Mother smoking, easy to get angry

Mothers who quit smoking when pregnant will give birth to more fun and easy-going children. And those who have mothers who smoke regularly will be very irritable and fastidious.

People still know that tobacco can affect fetal development, even in passive smokers. Researcher Kate Pickett at York University, UK, followed 18,000 babies born between 2000 and 2002. Picture 1 of Mother smoking, easy to get angry They ask mothers a number of questions about their temperament, such as children who are receptive to new things, who are afraid of strangers, and their moods are always fun.

Mothers are classified into 3 groups of heavy smoking, never smoking, or quitting. The results showed that those who quit smoking produced more comfortable babies. While mothers who smoke heavily produce the most difficult child.

"It is really a meaningful result. We think that quitting smoking is very difficult. So what they do is a very special action to protect the child. In addition, women who quit smoking also appear stronger, have a more sustainable relationship, be smart in community activities, be less stressed or have anti-social behavior, maybe they have passed on these characteristics to their children ", Pickett said.