Why some men are easy to be angry?

Some men are always ready to smash things when angry, while others are more self-reliant in similar circumstances. Scientists say the answer lies in both genes and habitats.

Picture 1 of Why some men are easy to be angry?

Gene and habitat make some men angry (Photo: persianblog)

A gene morphology involved in serotonin chemical activity in the brain - playing an important role in coordinating emotions and impulses - can cause men to have trouble controlling anger. However, this is only true for guys who grow up in an adverse environment.

The study found that guys who carry a variant of MAOA tend to be more violent and resistant than those without the gene. However, this negative behavior only manifests itself in men who were abused as children.

The team at the University of Pittsburgh, England, investigated 531 healthy white men. They found that those who carry the MAOA gene variant will only express their angry nature when they are hostile and have a less educated father. Conversely, guys with MAOA gene variants that do not have hostility, provocation, or have the least graduated father in high school do not exhibit violent acts. The education level of the subject itself is not related to behavior.

The results show that even if a child has a violent gene, if there is a loving and kind parent, this behavior will be coordinated.

"The point here is that we can not change genes, but we can change the feeding environment of the child," Manuck said.