One-meter-long voracious voracious snake

A 1.6-meter-long red belly snake was caught in a full-mouthed posture to swallow the same long brown snake.

Picture 1 of One-meter-long voracious voracious snake
Steve Young discovered a 1.6-meter-long black snake that was swallowing a 1-meter-long brown congener as it slipped across the house in Kanoona, southeast of Bega town, New South Wales, Australia."I stood at the top of his head to take pictures. My wife tried to stop but I was sure it would not bite me because I was eating," Bega District News quoted Young on 2 November.

Picture 2 of One-meter-long voracious voracious snake
Young doesn't know for sure how long the black snake eats, but the photos show that he swells greatly at the end of the meal.

Picture 3 of One-meter-long voracious voracious snake
Although he has seen many black and brown snakes, he has never seen the same scene before.