Penguins die in mass in Brazil

More than 500 penguin corpses appeared on the south coast of Brazil in the past days, officials announced.

>>>Mysterious penguin disappears winter

Picture 1 of Penguins die in mass in Brazil
Magellenic penguins.

The Brazilian Coast and Oceanic Center (CECLIMAR) announces that veterinarians are investigating the cause of 512 Magellenic penguins dying on the coast between Tramandai city and Cidreira, state of Rio Grande do Sul, reported by AFP. . This coast is about 100km from the city of Porto Alegre, the state capital.

'About 30 birds are being analyzed at the University of Porto Alegre and scientists will announce the results within a month' , CECLIMAR said.

According to CECLIMAR officials, veterinary experts do not understand why the number of dead birds is so large. The stomach of dead birds contains a lot of food. The investigation team did not see signs of exhaustion, injury or oil.

Magellenic penguins are concentrated in large populations in southern Argentina and Chile. They migrated north, along the state coast of Rio Grande do Sul, to Sao Paulo between March and September. Their main food was small fish and crustaceans. Sea lions are their most feared enemies.