People cannot lack water for more than 3 days

If you're stuck on an uninhabited island, remember what the experts call " Principle of triad ." Accordingly, you will not be able to survive without drinking water for 3 days.

Picture 1 of People cannot lack water for more than 3 days You can live 3 minutes without air. In harsh environments, such as snow cover, you can survive for 3 hours without a roof. After 3 days, you will need water or you will die dry. You can spend 3 weeks without food, although that will not be interesting.

But despite this useful rule, some people can still live up to 8-10 days without water.

Occupying 65% of the human body, water is essential for life. Water flows through the blood, carrying oxygen and nutrients to the cells and expelling waste from the body. It buffers joints and soft tissues. Without water when eating daily, we will not be able to digest or absorb food.