People only take 0.5 seconds for the first impression

People only need a short time of half a second to judge whether a person is trustworthy or not.

This surprising conclusion was published by an international team of scientists on March 13.

In the study, the British University team at Glasgow University and the American team conducted a test for several volunteers.

Picture 1 of People only take 0.5 seconds for the first impression

Participants listened to audio recordings, including greetings, and were asked to evaluate speakers in the recording according to 10 characteristics that characterize, including credibility, status, attractiveness and warmth.

The results show that the majority of people with recorded voices have similar characteristics to the participants' assessment, although these comments are made quickly, after listening to the recording only 0.3 -0.5 seconds.

This means that the voice when greeting directly will immediately establish information and create an impression on the listener. Just a saying "Hello!" It is simple enough for most listeners to give an assessment of the speaker's personality, even if they have not met face to face.

Scientist Phil McAleer, head of the study, said whether or not this is true, your impression will be similar to what others hear.

McAleer said the study promises to be useful in improving the effectiveness of voice control systems and learning aids.