People who drink alcohol are blushed so be careful

Blushing when drinking alcohol, beer is a reaction that happens to many people. And almost everyone has that normal phenomenon without knowing that people who often suffer from red face drink alcohol and beer are at risk of some serious diseases like liver disease, high blood pressure, cancer. .

Picture 1 of People who drink alcohol are blushed so be careful
Blushing when drinking alcohol can be a warning sign of the risk of developing high blood pressure.


According to a group of Korean experts at Chungnam National University , it could be a warning sign of the risk of developing high blood pressure.

The researchers examined the risk of high blood pressure in 1,763 Korean men, including 527 who often blushed after drinking alcohol, 948 who did not change their appearance after drinking and 288 who did not use beer. alcohol. Scientists found that people who blushed more than 4 drinks a week had double the risk of high blood pressure compared to those who did not drink, while the risk of not having blush only appeared when they were consume more than 8 glasses / week.

Picture 2 of People who drink alcohol are blushed so be careful
People often show signs of blushing after drinking alcohol, so they must abstain before the risk of developing disease.(Photo: Livescience).

Although it is unclear why the risk of developing high blood pressure is related to the body's reaction to alcoholic drinks, the researchers may explain, by reason, the accumulation of Acetaldehyd - carrier. Alcohol toxicity produces when decomposed in the liver. The harmful effects of acetaldehyde can relax blood vessels under the skin, reduce blood flow to the central organs, so the body tries to "compensate" this blood deficiency by secreting hormones. , leading to hypertension.

With these findings, the team recommends that people who often show signs of blush after drinking alcohol should abstain before the risk of developing disease.


Scientists from the National Institute of Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse (NIAAA) have warned of blushing when drinking alcohol. This is a sign of esophageal cancer risk.

This is explained as follows: Alcohol contains ethanol. When in the body, at the liver, ADH enzymes convert ethanol into acetaldehyde. After that, the enzyme ALDH2 continued to convert acetaldehyde to acetate. In 3 active ingredients ethanol, acetaldehyde and acetate, acetaldehyde is considered the most toxic, because it has the ability to mutate DNA and cause cancer. The toxic level of ethanol is usually low and acetate is relatively harmless.

People with a red-faced reaction to drinking alcohol are due to a genetic deficiency in the alcohol metabolism of ALDH2, which in turn leads to an accumulation of toxic acetaldehyde. When acetaldehyde builds up in the blood, it causes hot flushes, blushing, vomiting, and a fast heartbeat.

According to studies, if a person with an enzyme that metabolizes alcohol ALDH2 above drinks 2 beers a day, there is a 10-fold higher risk of esophageal cancer than those who can metabolize alcohol.

Picture 3 of People who drink alcohol are blushed so be careful
Drinking alcohol blushing is very likely to put you at risk for cancer (Artwork: Internet).

Liver failure

The liver is the most affected part of alcohol. The more alcohol you drink and the longer you drink, the greater your risk of developing liver disease.

The blush after drinking alcohol and beer is considered as a highly sensitive body symptom for alcohol, it is difficult to continue to tolerate alcohol. As mentioned above, due to the genetic deficiency of alcohol metabolism enzyme ALDH2, acetaldehyde cannot be completely decomposed in the liver. The accumulation of acetaldehyde chemicals for a long time will cause liver diseases. Accordingly, people with blushing when drinking alcohol or beer will have a higher risk of liver diseases than those who do not blush.

The most common liver diseases are fatty liver, hepatitis, cirrhosis, etc. In particular, for cirrhosis , some complications such as edema, multifocal effusion, hepatic coma or haemorrhage due to vein rupture of the esophagus will cause death. Others will develop into liver cancer .

Blushing when drinking alcohol, beer is a reaction that happens to many people. And almost everyone has that normal phenomenon without knowing that people who often suffer from red face drink alcohol and beer are at risk of some serious diseases like liver disease, high blood pressure, cancer. .