Pet miracle survived 10 months

The owner of the missing turtle 10 months ago was delighted to find his pet "brooding" in the ground after he dug the garden to expand the house.

Paul Bodger lives in Cambridgeshire, and he thought he would never see his pet again after he lost it in June 2012.

But everything changed when Mr. Bodger began digging his garden to get more land to expand 4 bedrooms. His family found Sydney's beloved turtle deep in the ground.

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Mr. Bodger is happy to find the Sydney turtle
after 10 months of groundbreaking, no one is interested in the ground.

Bodger, 51, said: "We started digging soil in the garden according to the house repair plan. I also sprayed some pesticides on my lovely Sydney turtle. I think it's a stone, it's completely clumped like mud.

Sydney tortoise is 5 years old and is a gift given by Mr. Bodger to his wife in 2011. He is a blacksmith with his wife Yvette White 46 years old looking for their beloved turtle for 2 weeks. They even resorted to the support of a hound to sniff Sydney out but to no avail.

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Sydney turtles are found in the amazement of his whole family
Bodger about it surviving miraculously in soil cages for the past 10 months.

The Bodger family searched for family pets for days without results, his wife said that he had left home and would no longer have a chance to see it again.

Bodger said: 'We feed Sydney in an environment of 25 or 26 degrees Celsius and never let it hibernate. So it left in June 2012 to enjoy a summer vacation like the winter in the ground. It was miraculous that Sydney found a way to bribe and survive until now. That's why my family couldn't find it. '