The man survived strange after being buried under the negative snow of 30 degrees C for 2 months

Suffering from an accident in the snow -30 degrees Celsius for 2 months, but a 44-year-old man miraculously survived.

Accordingly, this strange story happened to Mr. Peter Skyllberg, 44 years old. He was buried in the snowy mountains of northern Sweden for 2 months and still survived, so everyone was impressed.

Swedish doctors praised the situation as a life event, and weather experts were surprised to say that no one could withstand such severe weather conditions for a long time.

Reportedly, at the time of discovery, Peter was in a state of weakness, extremely hungry, he could not walk, nor speak.

Picture 1 of The man survived strange after being buried under the negative snow of 30 degrees C for 2 months
Police thought the car carrying Peter was burned.

The police also thought that the car carrying Peter was stabbed, but when he dug deep into the snow about a meter, he found him curled up in a sleeping bag in the back seat.

According to experts, Peter survived by falling into a hibernation state. When police found the car, the outdoor temperature was minus 30 degrees Celsius. Dr. Stephan Branth said, Peter was entering a hibernation state, his body temperature was adjusted to about 31 degrees, so muscle energy can not be consumed too quickly.

Usually hibernation is a condition of regulating hypothermia in animals. This phenomenon occurs over several days or weeks to help animals save energy in the winter.

We only encounter hibernation of animals such as mice, bats, squirrels, snakes .

Picture 2 of The man survived strange after being buried under the negative snow of 30 degrees C for 2 months
The state of hibernation in humans is extremely rare.(Illustration).

The state of hibernation in humans is really rare. This state slows down metabolism and helps Skyllberg escape the scythe of death. However, many doctors still disagree with this argument, saying that humans do not have the mechanism to regulate the temperature to lower themselves. This is a rare phenomenon.

Earlier, in 2006, a 35-year-old man, Japanese nationality, was found in a snow-covered mountain area after 24 days of disappearance.

When the rescue team found it, they realized the man's body was almost no longer active. After careful examination, the rescue team found that the man was in a hibernation state : All organs were almost shut down, the body temperature dropped to 7.1 ° C, the process Digestion is so slow that it almost stands still. With the right medical measures, this man quickly recovered his health.