Have black, yellow, red, blue snows?

The cause of the 'black' snow phenomenon is air pollution.

Ordinary snow is white, because when the sun's rays "touch" the snow, it is scattered by countless ice crystals and inner airbags. Nearly all light rays are bounced back, out of the snow. Therefore, the snow keeps the color of the sunlight as white.

Picture 1 of Have black, yellow, red, blue snows?

However, recently there was information that a black snowfall had fallen to Oktyabr region, Omsk province of Russia. This is the second time this phenomenon has occurred in the central area of ​​the region. Earlier, dark snowflakes had fallen into Volzsk area. In some other countries, black or dark snow appears.

Picture 2 of Have black, yellow, red, blue snows?
Snow is black in Russia.

Scientists are further analyzing but air pollution is thought to be the main cause of such strange color phenomena.

Air pollution occurs often due to the operation of coal mining plants, thermal power plants . discharging smoke containing dust and chemicals into the atmosphere. Toxic gases such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, chloroflorocarbons (CFCs) and nitrous oxide are industrial and vehicle wastes. The presence of these substances makes the air unclean, has an unpleasant odor and reduces foresight.

Picture 3 of Have black, yellow, red, blue snows?

Every year, people exploit and use billions of tons of coal, oil and gas. At the same time discharging into the environment a large amount of different wastes such as domestic waste, waste from factories and enterprises, makes the concentration of toxic gases increase rapidly.

Air pollution comes from both humans and nature, there are many sources of air pollution. Can be divided into natural sources and artificial sources.

Natural source:

- Volcanoes: Volcanoes erupt hot lava, much dust and rich in sulfur, methane and other gases. The air containing dust spread far away because it was sprayed very high.

- Forest fire: Forest fires often spread, emitting a lot of dust.

- Dust storms are caused by strong winds and storms, rain and erosion of desert soil, soil and wind blows up into dust. The sea water evaporated along with foaming ocean waves carrying salt dust spreading into the air.

- The process of decomposition, decaying decay, natural plants also emit a lot of gases, chemical reactions between natural gases forming sulfide gas, nitrite, salts, etc. Dust types This gas pollutes the air.

Artificial source:

The source of artificial pollution is very diverse but mainly due to industrial activities, fossil fuel burning and the operation of vehicles.

- The process of burning fuel emits a lot of toxic gases passing through the chimneys of factories into the air.

- Due to evaporation, leakage, loss on product production lines and on load pipes. The waste source of this production process can also be sucked and blown out by ventilation.

- The major industries causing air pollution include: thermal power, construction materials, chemicals and fertilizers, textile and paper, metallurgy, food; mechanical enterprises, factories of light industry, transportation and human activities.

Picture 4 of Have black, yellow, red, blue snows?

Thus, in addition to black snow, there is golden snow, gray snow . the phenomenon of unusual snow is due to air pollution. Black snow, golden snow is often overflowed by sandstorms. Snow brown is often discharged by an industrial park into the environment . These are the phenomena that happened and are not rare.

In addition, you can see snow with all colors due to many different causes.

Red snow in the Nevada mountains, USA

Picture 5 of Have black, yellow, red, blue snows?

The snow here is red because there are tiny algae Chamydomonas moving under the snow. Local people often eat snow because it has a sweet taste of fruit. However, many reports suggest that eating red snow can lead to diarrhea.

In addition, red snow also appeared in the city of Buffalo, New York, USA but this is not a natural phenomenon. The snow is red due to the workers destroying a red-colored food factory, the 2.3kg red pipeline has broken and flowed into the snow, creating a beautiful red rose. However, this snow does not harm human health.

Yellow snow on Sakhalin Island, Russia

Picture 6 of Have black, yellow, red, blue snows?

Yellow snow cannot be eaten like red snow, even though it is considered to be dangerous and poisonous because the yellow color here is waste from oil and gas refineries.

Blue snow in the Alps, Europe

Picture 7 of Have black, yellow, red, blue snows?

This beautiful green snow is caused by algae.

Purple snow

Picture 8 of Have black, yellow, red, blue snows?

Purple snow often appears at dawn or sunset, due to reflecting snow crystals and amplifying lavender color.

Orange snow in Siberia, Russia

Picture 9 of Have black, yellow, red, blue snows?

Orange snow appears in 3 different regions in Siberia, Russia. Although beautiful, these snowflakes smell very unpleasant and very slippery. The pollution of factories here may be the cause.