Phisher again looked at MySpace

Web analyst Netcraft has warned MySpace users to be really careful at this time because hackers have just launched a new phishing attack on the social networking site.

The trick used by hackers in this attack is to send an email to the user's mailbox in order to trick them into accessing a site that falsifies MySpace's login page. This site requires users to enter their email address and password. This information is then sent to a server located in France.

Picture 1 of Phisher again looked at MySpace To create a fake login site, hackers have registered a MySpace account with the login name ' login_home_index_html ' and then created a fake login site from this account itself. This makes users access to the site thinking that they are accessing a legitimate MySpace login page.

This type of attack is not a new form of attack, but it does say that hackers always find new ways to attack users.

However, MySpace quickly detected and prevented this new phishing attack by changing the address of the login site, making a complete difference with the fake login web address. Netcraft analyst Rich Miller confirmed that even a person who is not interested in security issues can completely recognize fake web addresses.

News Corp spokesperson - MySpace website owner - recommends that if users feel unreliable, it is best to access the website's official address and log in from there.

Hoang Dung