Photoshope CS: Create light rays for words

This is a practice to help you create light rays around text (text)

Step1 : start photoshope CS

Step 2 : Ctrl + N create a new document 400 x 200 pixels

Step 3 : Set the black color (# 000000) to the background layer

Picture 1 of Photoshope CS: Create light rays for words

Figure 1

Step 4 : Select the Text - Hozizontal Type tool (or press Ctrl + T ) to create text, font, color according to your needs, here for example:

+ Text : Network Administrator
+ Font : Vni-Times
+ Size : 40pt
+ Color : # F4FC0E

Picture 2 of Photoshope CS: Create light rays for words

Figure 2

Step 5 : Next step, duplicate the text layer by "

- Right click on the text layer

- Select " Duplicate Layer " or press " Ctrl + J " key combination

Picture 3 of Photoshope CS: Create light rays for words

Figure 3

Step 6 : Blur the original text layer

- Right click the original text layer

- Select Rasterize layer

Picture 4 of Photoshope CS: Create light rays for words

Figure 4

Step 7 : Create a blur effect for the original layer.

- On the main menu, click Filter -> Blur -> Radial Blur .

Picture 5 of Photoshope CS: Create light rays for words

Figure 5

Step 8 : Set Amount : 100, Blur method selection: zoom

Picture 6 of Photoshope CS: Create light rays for words

Figure 6

Step 9 : If you want to double the blur effects for text. You can repeat Step 7 or press the key combination: " Ctrl + F "

Step 10 : The final task is to create a shadow for the text layer to copy to create harmony for the light rays.

- Right click on ayer text copy, select " Blending options "

- Select properties: Blend mode : Normal

+ Color : #fffffff
+ Angle : 120
+ Distance : 3
+ Size : 3

Picture 7 of Photoshope CS: Create light rays for words

Figure 7

The final result will look like you see below.

Picture 8 of Photoshope CS: Create light rays for words

Figure 8

Ngoc Lan