Pin 'sweet'

A Japanese electronics maker has successfully created a bio-battery that produces electricity from sugar. This battery has enough power to run the player and a pair of speakers. The battery is 3.9 centimeters long and has a shell made of plant-derived plastics.

Picture 1 of Pin 'sweet'

"Sweet" is presented in Tokyo on Aug. 23 (photo: Yoshikazu Tsuno / AFP)

The battery is 3.9 centimeters long and has a shell made of plant-derived plastics. Produced in an environmentally friendly way, the battery generates energy in a unique but simple way: glucose solution inside the battery is degraded by enzymes to produce electricity.

As in other batteries, the ' sweet ' battery power is also generated through an electric current between the cathode and the anode. The 50 mW bio-battery is a world record for this type of battery.

Sony, which has researched and manufactured the battery, said the production of the battery is based on the resolution of the sugar that aims to 'provide a form of eco-friendly energy.'

With sugar, this ' sweet ' battery can be produced almost anywhere in the world. "Sweet" was presented at the 234th National Chemical Society Conference and Exhibition, which closed in Boston on August 23.

The manufacturer said it would mass-produce the battery for sale, but did not say when the new product will be available in the market.

Last year, Sony was troubled by the recall of millions of lithium-ion batteries for laptops because of the risk of fire, explosion and fire.

Minh Quang