Please abolish an online game management text

The Enterprise Law Enforcement and Investment Law Working Group has just proposed abolishing documents certifying technical and professional conditions to provide online games issued by the Ministry of Post and Telematics. Reason: V eating this version lacks a legal basis. Currently, this document causes wobble gaming.

According to the " Report of the results of reviewing the system of business license regulations " of the Working Group, the basis of this document is the Joint Circular 60 on the management of online games issued in the month. 6/2006, while similar documents must be specified in the decree issued by the Prime Minister.

Currently the working group proposes to abolish this document, converting necessary management elements into conditions for online game business. If the Ministry of Post and Telematics finds that maintaining documents is necessary for management, there must be an official dispatch to submit to the Government for consideration. In the case of consensus with the opinions of the Ministry, the Prime Minister will issue a decree specifically for this document. On the contrary, it will be abolished immediately upon the proposal of the Working Group.

Picture 1 of Please abolish an online game management text Most online games have been reduced in number of customers after deploying limited hours of play. Photo: Hung Hai. The report of the Working Group also mentioned the reality of trouble in implementing this license, including ' inconsistent understanding of the license to provide online game services between the Ministry of Post and Telematics and Department of Post and Telecommunications. HCM '.

In fact, the application of technical measures to limit playing time of gamers is considered a key factor in the process of assessing technical conditions and professional business of online game providers. However, the variety of this type of entertainment leads to unfair practices in the games being offered. Online role-playing games (MMORPG) are heavily influenced. According to a recent report by VinaGame, the company's number of players in the game of the traditional martial arts game has dropped by 50% since the beginning of the application of limited hours, other games such as the Nine Dragons fighting, Ragnarok also decreased by 25% - 35%. On February 6, the game Ragnarok had to temporarily shut down the server because there was no limit to the game's features.

' After 1 month of implementation, our series of games suffered a serious drop in customers. At this rate, enterprises can hardly continue to operate, 'said Le Hong Minh, Chairman of VinaGame board.

With the same rules, casual online games are almost unaffected. The players of Audition games provided by VTC can still participate in more than 5 hours of dancing even if they do not receive experience points and DEN (money in this game). This game also has no problems with trade because . no.

The cause of the lack of consistency in the implementation of the Circular is derived from the 'reward point', the decisive factor in technical measures to limit players' play time. In Circular 60, the specified bonus points ' can be experience points, bonuses or artifacts . '. This concept in the Ministry of Post and Telematics's Guidelines for playing time management on November 16, 2006 has been extended to ' all forms to encourage players to continue playing '. When implemented in practice, the regulation is pushed to another level: banning almost all gamer activities, including exchanging things for each other in the virtual world.

The inconsistency of implementation led to a different way of "behaving" in measures to limit playing time in each game. The Silk Road player can still train the character for 5 hours, then go shopping freely. Particularly, PTV game is provided by FPT Telecom, immediately disconnecting the time-out accounts. The gamers partially skip to play games with servers (servers) located abroad, partly stay with many "tricky rules" like creating different accounts to play alternately.

According to experts, tightening online game management but still with the current measures will make it difficult for businesses to trade this type of entertainment. With a tight mind, gamers can completely choose foreign servers. It is because of this that China is still just testing the method of managing hours in some games.

Currently, the Ministry of Post and Telematics has no official statement about continuing to maintain this document.

Hung Hai