Poland: Developed a super-X-ray camera

Researchers from the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow (Poland) have recently developed a super-fast and super-accurate camera that can capture X-rays , useful for luggage inspection, medical diagnosis and study of material structure.

According to the Polish News Agency (PAP), the camera is fitted with an X-ray detection system capable of counting individual photons and capturing up to 20,000 frames per second.

Picture 1 of Poland: Developed a super-X-ray camera
This type of camera will greatly assist luggage security officers. (Image: articles.dailypress.com).

Thanks to the ability to capture X-ray radiation (a collection of high-energy photons), the camera can detect objects contained within an object or examine the structure of materials.

This camera will greatly assist luggage security staff, assist physicians in X-rays and CT scans. It even allows for the examination of chemical formulas of certain materials, study of works of art or analysis of material structures.

In addition, the super-fast recording speed (1 pixel recording of 5 million photons per second) enables users to observe the change in state of the examined materials or to obtain images of moving objects. fast.

This tool will be especially needed in electronic manufacturing, automated machinery, pharmaceutical processing and some industries whose products should be tested with X-ray quality.

In April, this technology solution received a gold medal at the invention fair in Geneva.